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I love NBA basketball. Every year, I get really excited around the beginning of September because I know tip-off is approaching. This year, I also had to figure out how I’m going to watch the Bulls (lose almost every game) with a combination of streaming packages. That’s fun. And slightly depressing.

我喜欢NBA篮球。 每年9月初,我都会感到非常兴奋,因为我知道小费的临近。 今年,我还必须弄清楚如何结合流媒体包观看公牛队(几乎每场比赛都输了)。 好好玩。 并有些沮丧。

Fortunately, you can benefit from my hours of research—I’ve done pretty much all the legwork for every streaming package, so you can pick which one works best for you. We’re basically best friends, so I don’t mind sharing it with you.

幸运的是,您可以从我的研究时间中受益-我已经完成了每个流媒体包的所有繁琐工作,因此您可以选择最合适的一个。 我们基本上是最好的朋友,所以我不介意与您分享。

Before we get into the details, though, let’s talk about who carries these games on normal TV. Basically, the NBA is broadcast on five primary channels:

不过,在深入探讨之前,让我们先谈谈谁在普通电视上播放这些游戏。 基本上,NBA通过五个主要频道进行广播:

  • ABC: The home of The Finals. You may not watch many games through the regular season here, but The Finals aren’t something you’re going to want to miss—especially if you’re a Cavs or Warriors fan (for the next several years, anyway).

    ABC:总决赛的所在地。 您可能不会在常规赛中看很多比赛,但总决赛并不是您想错过的事情-特别是如果您是骑士或勇士队的球迷(无论如何,未来几年)。

  • TNT: NBA on TNT! It’s as classic as the game itself. Basically.

    TNT:TNT上的NBA! 与游戏本身一样经典。 基本上。

  • TBS: Again, there aren’t a lot of games here, but it does happen, so you may want this.


  • ESPN: The de facto sports channel gets several NBA games spread throughout the year, so it’s a must-have. Plus, you’ll get all sorts of extra NBA action, like highlights and specials.

    ESPN:事实上的体育频道全年都会播出几场NBA比赛,所以这是必不可少的。 此外,您还将获得各种额外的NBA动作,例如精彩场面和特别节目。

  • NBA TV: It’s a channel dedicated to nothing but NBA basketball. Of course you’re going to want this. 

    NBA电视:这是一个专门播放NBA篮球频道的频道。 当然,您会想要这个。

  • Your Local Station(s): If you want to watch your local team (aka the team from the city you currently live in), many games are probably broadcast on local stations, like FOX Sports Detroit for the Pistons, or NBC Sports Chicago and WGN-TV for the Bulls. You’ll probably have to Google the TV schedule for your local team to find out which channels broadcast these games, and then look up streaming options for those channels. Not all local affiliates offer streaming, though—thankfully, you can make up any holes with .

    您的本地电台:如果您想观看本地球队(也就是您当前居住的城市中的球队),很多比赛可能会在本地电台播放,例如活塞的FOX Sports Detroit或NBC Sports Chicago和WGN-TV为公牛队。 您可能需要Google为当地团队提供电视时间表,以找出哪些频道播放了这些游戏,然后查找这些频道的流式传输选项。 不过,并非所有本地分支机构都提供流媒体播放功能-值得庆幸的是,您可以使用弥补任何漏洞。

But even if you choose a streaming package that has all of those channels, you’re still going to miss out on a bunch of games—there are 30 different teams, each of which play 82 games in just the regular season. That’s a lot of games, and there’s no way every single one of them is going to get a live broadcast. Especially if your team is, like my Bulls, bad. At least I still have the Wolves, which is almost like watching the Bulls in blue and white at this point.

但是,即使选择具有所有这些频道的流媒体包,您仍然会错过一堆游戏-有30支不同的球队,每支球队在常规赛中只踢82场比赛。 那是很多游戏,而且每个游戏都不可能直播。 特别是如果您的球队像我的公牛队一样糟糕。 至少我还有狼队,这几乎就像此时看着蓝白公牛队一样。

But I digress. If you want all the games, NBA League Pass will give you access to every game that isn’t broadcast nationally or in your local area (aka “blacked out” games). So, if a game is available on broadcast TV in your area, it won’t be on League Pass.

但是我离题了。 如果您想要所有比赛,则可以使用NBA League Pass进入全国范围内或本地未播放的所有比赛(又称“停电”游戏)。 因此,如果您所在地区的广播电视上有游戏可用,那么该游戏就不会出现在联赛通行证上。

That’s still a ton of games that League Pass does have, though—way more than you get with the above channels. They’re just less high profile, or for out-of-your-state teams.

不过,这仍然是《联赛通行证》所拥有的大量游戏,远远超出了上述渠道。 他们只是不太知名,或者是州外的团队。

In addition, League Pass only covers the regular season. All post-season games come on TV anyway, so you still won’t miss anything if you pick the correct streaming package.

此外,联赛通行证仅涵盖常规赛季。 无论如何,所有季后游戏都可以在电视上播放,因此,如果选择正确的流媒体包,您仍然不会错过任何内容。

So, with all that, let’s talk about pricing, starting with League Pass.


联赛通行证定价和流媒体选项 (League Pass Pricing and Streaming Options)

Since League Pass is a must-have for NBA fans who never want to miss a game, let’s start there. Since we’ve already talked about what League Pass does (and does not) include, we can just straight into the dollars. Basically, League Pass is broken down into three different packages with two pricing plans for each:

对于那些不想错过比赛的NBA球迷来说,联赛通行证是必不可少的,所以让我们从这里开始。 由于我们已经讨论过联赛通行证包括(不包括)的内容,因此我们可以直接赚钱。 基本上,《联赛通行证》分为三个不同的套餐,每个套餐都有两个定价计划:

  • All Teams + In Arena ($250/year or $40/month): This gives you access to all 30 NBA teams, as well as their in-arena entertainment during halftime and whatnot. There are no commercials or advertisements during in-game breaks, which is neat, I guess.

    所有球队+竞技场(每年250美元或每月40美元):这使您可以访问所有30支NBA球队,以及他们在半场时间和其他时间的场内娱乐活动。 我猜在游戏休息期间没有广告或广告,这很干净。

  • All Teams ($200/year or $29/month): This gives you access to all 30 teams—every game, save for the blacked out games mentioned above. You will have to deal with advertisements during game breaks though, like  time-outs, and halftime.

    所有团队($ 200 /年或$ 29 /月):这使您可以访问所有30个团队-每个游戏,除了上面提到的涂黑游戏。 但是,您必须在游戏休息期间处理广告,例如超时和中场休息。

  • One Team ($120/years or $18/month): If you only want to follow one team, this is your package. Again, keep in mind that you still won’t be able to watch your local team on League Pass, regardless of which package you choose, so this is mostly useful for fans who follow an out-of-state team.

    一个团队(120美元/年或18美元/月):如果您只想关注一个团队,这就是您的套餐。 再次提醒您,无论选择哪种套餐,您仍然无法在League Pass上观看您的本地球队,因此,这对于跟随州外球队的球迷来说非常有用。

That’s pretty straightforward. The pricing structure is pretty steep if you ask me, but I buy it every year regardless, so whatever. I like ball.

那很简单。 如果您问我,定价结构非常陡峭,但无论如何,我每年都会购买。 我喜欢球。

Thankfully, pretty much every platform on the market is supported by NBA League Pass, so no matter where you want to stream, you probably can. NBA League Pass has apps on:

值得庆幸的是,市场上几乎所有平台都受到NBA League Pass的支持,因此无论您想流向何处,都可以。 NBA League Pass在以下方面具有应用程序:

  • Web

  • iPhone/iPad

    iPhone / iPad
  • Android Phone/Tablet

  • Apple TV

  • Android TV

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Roku

  • PlayStation 3 and 4

    PlayStation 3和4
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
  • Samsung Smart TV

  • Chromecast

  • Amazon Alexa devices with video

    带视频的Amazon Alexa设备
  • Apple CarPlay (audio only)

    Apple CarPlay(仅音频)

If you’re trying to stream to something that isn’t on this list, I don’t know what to tell you. That’s pretty much everything out there, and even some stuff that doesn’t even make sense. The NBA really goes all out.

如果您尝试流式处理此列表中未列出的内容,我不知道该告诉您什么。 那几乎是所有东西,甚至有些甚至没有意义的东西。 NBA真的全力以赴。

播放国家和地方比赛的电视节目包 (Streaming TV Packages for National and Local Games)

So what about those other channels we mentioned earlier? The best way to get all those together are through the five major live TV streaming providers: , , , , and . Each of them has its own set of pros, cons, pricing structures, and offered channels. You’ll also probably want to consider the other channels offered with each package, but that’s for you to decide. We’re just talking about basketball here.

那么我们前面提到的其他渠道又如何呢? 最好的方式是通过五家主要的直播电视流媒体提供商: , , , 和 。 他们每个人都有自己的一套优点,缺点,价格结构和提供的渠道。 您可能还需要考虑每个软件包提供的其他渠道,但这由您决定。 我们只是在这里谈论篮球。

吊装电视 (Sling TV)

is probably , and it should offer most of what you want for NBA streaming. Here are the packages you’ll need:

可能,它应提供NBA流媒体所需的大多数内容。 这是您需要的软件包:

  • Sling TV Blue: $25 a month for the package gets you TNT, TBS, ESPN, and ABC. The latter is only available in some markets—you’ll have to search with your zip code to make sure you’re in one of them).

    Sling TV Blue:每月25美元的套餐可让您获得TNT,TBS,ESPN和ABC。 后者仅在某些市场可用-您必须使用邮政编码进行搜索,以确保您属于其中一个)。

  • Sports Extra: You’ll have to tack on an extra $10 a month to get NBA TV, which I think is worth it.

    Sports Extra:您必须每月额外支付10美元才能获得NBA电视,我认为这是值得的。

So, for $35 a month, Sling gets you most of the channels you need. You can also add a Cloud DVR service for a five spot, if you’re into that sort of thing.

因此,每月只需$ 35,Sling即可为您提供所需的大部分渠道。 如果您喜欢这种情况,还可以为五个地点添加Cloud DVR服务。

Sling is available on the following streaming devices:


  • AirTV Player

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Android (Phone, Tablet, TV)

  • Chromecast

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV)

    iOS(iPhone,iPad,Apple TV)
  • webOS

  • Mac

  • PC

  • Roku

  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
  • Web


You can get more information or sign up for Sling . You can also find .

您可以获取更多信息或注册Sling。 您还可以找到。

PlayStation Vue (PlayStation Vue)

, known as , is more encompassing than any of the others on this list, and it feels more like traditional cable (if you’re into that). It’s also comparable to Sling in terms of pricing:

,被称为 ,比该清单上的其他任何都更具吸引力,而且感觉更像是传统电缆(如果您喜欢的话)。 就价格而言,它也可以与Sling媲美:

  • PlayStation Vue Core Package: For $45 a month, you get everything you need to watch NBA basketball (except for League Pass, of course). That’s ABC, TNT, TBS, ESPN, and NBA TV.

    PlayStation Vue核心套餐:每月45美元,您可以获得观看NBA篮球所需的一切(当然,联赛通行证除外)。 那是ABC,TNT,TBS,ESPN和NBA TV。

Naturally, you can also opt to get a larger package if you need other channels for non-basketball related stuff, but that’s your call. The Core package is the most affordable one available that covers everything we’re looking at here. It’s also worth mentioning that Vue comes with Cloud DVR service baked into that $45 per month pricing.

当然,如果您需要其他与​​非篮球相关的内容的渠道,您也可以选择获取更大的包裹,但这就是您的要求。 Core软件包是最实惠的软件包,它涵盖了我们在这里看到的所有内容。 还值得一提的是,Vue附带了Cloud DVR服务,每月价格为45美元。

Vue is available on the following streaming platforms:


  • PlayStation 3 and 4

    PlayStation 3和4
  • Roku (firmware 7.1 and above)

  • Amazon Fire Tablets and TV

  • Android (phone, tablet, and TV)

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV 4th gen+)

    iOS(iPhone,iPad和Apple TV 4代以上)
  • Chromecast

  • Web


To learn more about PlayStation Vue, head . Alternatively, .

要了解有关PlayStation Vue的更多信息,请。 或者,。

现在的DirecTV (DirecTV Now)

can pretty much give you what you want, but since it’s provided by one of the biggest satellite companies on the planet, it’s comparatively pricier than the others. Imagine that. Your choices here are:

几乎可以为您提供所需的东西,但是由于它是由地球上最大的卫星公司之一提供的,因此价格要比其他公司高。 设想。 您在这里的选择是:

  • DirecTV Now Go Big Package: For $60 a month, you’ll get all the channels you need for NBA basketball. That’s a pretty steep price tag, however.

    DirecTV Now Go Big Package:每月60美元,您将获得NBA篮球所需的所有频道。 但是,这是一个相当高的价格。

  • DirecTV Now Live a Little or Just Right Packages: For $35 or $50 respectively, you can go with a smaller package and get everything except for NBA TV. It’s your call, but I’d recommend just going with Sling or Vue.

    DirecTV现在可以提供一些套餐或恰到好处的套餐:分别为35美元或50美元,您可以选择更小的套餐,获得除NBA TV以外的所有东西。 这是您的电话,但我建议您只使用Sling或Vue。

Of course, since DirecTV Is owned by AT&T, . Do your research to see if this will work out better for you in the long run. Personally, I hate bundled packages because then I have to commit to the company for X number of years, which is not something I’m into. But hey, saved dollars are saved dollars, so you do you.

当然,由于DirecTV由AT&T拥有,因此。 做您的研究,看看从长远来看这是否对您更好。 就我个人而言,我讨厌捆绑的包裹,因为那样的话,我必须在公司工作X年,这与我的兴趣无关。 但是,节省的美元就是节省的美元,所以您去做。

You can stream DirecTV Now on the following platforms:

您可以在以下平台上流式传输DirecTV Now:

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • Chromecast

  • Roku

  • Android (phone and tablet)

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV)

    iOS(iPhone,iPad和Apple TV)
  • Web


You’ll notice it not only has the highest price tag, but a smaller number of streaming device. Yeah, I’m out. If you’re still in, however, you can get more info .

您会发现它不仅价格最高,而且流媒体设备的数量也更少。 是的,我出去了。 但是,如果您仍在,可以获取更多信息。

YouTube电视 (YouTube TV)

keeps things about as simple as they come, with just one all-in package for $35 a month. The thing is, you won’t get TNT, TBS, or NBA TV with it. That’s more than half the channels you want to watch NBA games. Meh.

使事情变得尽可能简单,只有一个全包套餐,每月35美元。 事实是,您不会获得TNT,TBS或NBA TV。 这是您要观看NBA游戏的频道的一半以上。 嗯

It’s also only available for streaming on the web or through the iOS and Android apps. It’s not even available on any set-top box platforms yet. Ouch.

它也仅可用于通过Web或通过iOS和Android应用流式传输。 它甚至在任何机顶盒平台上都不可用。 哎哟。

, YouTube TV is a good idea in theory, but it’s pretty terrible in execution. Just save yourself the time and don’t even look at this one. If you must, though, you can find more info .

,从理论上讲,YouTube TV是一个好主意,但是执行起来却非常糟糕。 只是节省时间,甚至不要去看这个。 不过,如果需要,您可以找到更多信息。

葫芦电视 (Hulu TV)

Hulu has been doing its thing for a number of years, but most recently it got into the . The packages aren’t terrible, and it’s a pretty decent choice if you’re already a Hulu die-hard:

Hulu从事这项工作已经有很多年了,但是最近它进入了。 这些软件包并不可怕,如果您已经是Hulu的顽固派,那么这是一个不错的选择:

  • Hulu TV: There’s only one live streaming package with Hulu, and it’s $40 a month. You’ll get everything except NBA TV. Pretty straightforward.

    Hulu TV:Hulu只有一个直播节目包,每月40美元。 除了NBA TV,您将获得所有东西。 非常简单。

Hulu TV is available on the following streaming devices:

Hulu TV在以下流设备上可用:

  • Amazon Fire TV

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV)

    iOS(iPhone,iPad和Apple TV)
  • Android (phones and tablets)

  • Roku

  • Chromecast

  • Xbox One and 360

    Xbox One和360
  • Web


So it’s pretty decent and offers streaming on a pretty decent number of devices. Not bad, especially if you’re prepared to live a life without NBA TV. You can find out more .

因此,它相当不错,并且可以在相当数量的设备上提供流媒体。 不错,尤其是如果您准备过没有NBA电视的生活。 你可以找到更多。

Whew, that was a lot, but hopefully this will help my fellow NBA fans get the most out of their season and beyond. I mean, let’s be honest here: it’s not like the Bulls are making it to the Playoffs anyway, so I really don’t even need to pay attention past the regular season. At least I can still watch Jimmy and Taj on the Wolves. Sigh.

哇,虽然很多,但希望这会帮助我的NBA同胞球迷从他们的赛季及以后的比赛中获得最大收益。 我的意思是,说实话:公牛队无论如何都没有进入季后赛,所以我什至不需要在常规赛结束后就去关注。 至少我仍然可以在狼队上看吉米和泰姬。 叹。




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